Keith Richardson
I built the first chapter of the game, Guild Destroyer, using Twine. It is a text based, non-linear story line.

Here is an the concept summary of the game:

This game is set in a fantasy, fictional world of Heonus. You play as the antagonist, attempting to destroy as many of the leading thieves guilds in Heonus before being caught. Your job is to attempt to get into the different thieves guilds and destroy them from the inside. If you are caught, you cannot go back to the guild. You need to destroy 2 of the 5 guilds to win the game.

Play the game!

The biggest lesson that I have learned doing this assignment was how much the scope of the work really would be based on the initial design. I should have looked at the scope of the assignment and picked something smaller. I liked that I was able to get some humor into it, as all of these are jabs at my first competitive WOTV guild and how it finally collapsed. This is a lesson that I will be taking with me.